Red Steer A207X Latex Coated Ladies Gloves (One Dozen)
Red Steer A207X Latex Coated Ladies Gloves (One Dozen)
Gloves Features:
+ Flowertouch®,
+ super soft foam latex rubber palm. Latex palm gloves offer strong grip, dexterity, abrasion and puncture-resistance. The coating makes gloves suitable for use in the automotive industry, construction work and other general purposes. Latex has very high elasticity and exceptional grip capabilities; it can also withstand high temperatures and offers great tear resistance. Although it resists alcohols, latex coated gloves should not be used around most hydrocarbon and organic solvents, such as gasoline and kerosene.Note: Those with Latex allergies may not be able to use gloves with this coating type.
+ breathable nylon knit liner. Nylon is a durable, abrasion resistant and resilient fiber. Over all it is a well wearing and resistant to insects, fungi and mildew.
+ machine washable,
+ pink.
*Gloves sold in increments of 12 pairs in each size